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Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween - Day of the Dead make-up

Halloween - it's a festival where make-up artists can expose their imagination. I like to paint on the face and see a final look. Usually the Halloween makeup looks scary and ghastly. I use to make fake sour, wound or scar before, so I made a few makeup this year as well.
In class we got some Halloween makeup charts examples and we had to do a makeup for the classmate. Bellow you can see the chart and a m
akeup I made. 

Here are Halloween makeup that I made to my flatmates. I used liquid latex, paper, fake blood, white foundation and black, green supracolor.

This is a video which helped me how to use liquid latex.

Introduction to drawing

This time we learned drawing basics. I learned how to hold the pencil correctly. We started to draw lines, circles, square, oval. And then we drew dimensional figures and geometric figures with shadows. I found it very interesting, because I always wanted to go to art school, but there was no possibility in my town I was born. We also learned that pencils divided into three categories - the coolest, the average and the softest and they are marked with a number and a letter. Here you can see my pencils distribution row:

And here are my drawings that I made in class.

We got a homework - to draw any objects with shadows. I chose an apple.

Basic eye shaping chart

We have got a task to choose one chart for our model. It was not hard to find the right one, because my models eye shape was a clear recognition. I chose ''wide set eyes''. So I followed an instruction to bring attention in, define inner edges and avoid shadow at outer edges. And to bring eyebrows more into the middle. Here you can see 9 different eye shapes.

Here is my makeup by ''wide set eyes''. I used ''Kryolan'' shadows palette (shallot, lavendre and chive blossom colors). According to my model, she never wore that kind of make up, but she liked the result. So I suggest you to look at your eye shape and try to do a makeup by one of these charts instruction. You never know, maybe you will find your new favorite makeup!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Myself picture symbols

I love indian culture, their customs, and their appearance. Most of the Indians were nomads, so I associate myself as wandering as well, because in the last few years, I replaced many of the residence.
Feather - a symbol on further education and mind, write the destiny of man living an empty sheet. It is a symbol of masculinity.
I like to improve myself in many different things and I always like to learn something new.
Dog - This is the home keeper, loyalty, protection, love and blind obedience to the character.
From the childhood we have been having dogs in my family. They are my favorite animals.

Tree - it is center of the world, because it was believed that the earth absorbs water sunk roots and branches out to heaven and eternity. Symbolizes the inexhaustible vital energy and life itself.
I born in a small town around the nature. There are many lakes and forest. Every summer I spent in the village at my grandmothers house. I love nature and I like spend time outside, especially in the summer.
Red color- energy, power, active, passion, love, attraction, speed, fire.
Usually I look quiet and calm person from outside (as in this picture), but I have got a wild spirit as an Indians. I can fight for my opinion or my truth. I am active person as well.

Monday 27 October 2014

Make-up charts

It is my first make-up chart. This one is made on a simple writing paper. Therefore, it was a bit difficult to blend colors. I just used shadows and lipstick.

There is one of my idea to create contemporary Elizabethan. I used white foundation, covered eyebrows and lips. Just draw the line from the top of the lip til the neck. I also made the black line under the eye and applied pink blusher on the cheekbones.

There is one more idea. The basic is white. Gold lips and I covered eyebrows with the gold shiny line. I am thinking to use white fake eyelashes just under the eyes. I also used pink blusher on the cheeks. And here bellow you can see the makeup on me. I changed a little bit during doing it. I draw some black lines and put a little bit glitters under my left eye.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Monochromatic and achromatic makeup

Monochromatic colors are all the colors (tints, tones, and shades) of a single hue.
Achromatic colors - it is black, gray and white palette. There are two makeup created by my sketch.(the left one is monochromatic makeup and the right one is achromatic). I chose red color for my monochromatic makeup. I used ''Kryolan'' blusher palette for face contouring and eyebrows. For eyes I used ''Kryolan'' supracolor. And ''Kryolan'' lip rouge mini palette (LC005) lipstick for the lips.
For my achromatic makeup I used ''Kryolan'' pepper shadows and makeup for ever black pensil for eyes, shades, lips and eyebrows.

There are my sketch's makeup analogues on myself.

And here is one more monochromatic makeup, which I created in the class.
I used ''Illsamasqua'' foundation, blue ''Kryolan'' supracolor for eyes and lips. For eyes, eyebrows and contouring I used shadows from makeup for ever palette.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Westmore family

The Westmore family is a famous family in Hollywood makeup. Even four generations of Wesmores engaged in makeup. The Westmore's created classic beauty makeups that have stood the test of time since the earliest years of silent film and competed around the word.

First generation

It all began with George Henry Westmore. He born in England and he was a hairstylist, wigmaker and makeup artist. In 1901 George opened a hair dressing salon in Canada and in 1913 he added makeup to his repertory. He still did not know much about makeup, so he exchanged makeup lessons for hairstyling services. That helped him to learn beauty makeup. George had six sons (Monte, Ern, Perc, Wally, Frank, Bud) and all of them went into makeup design. 

Second generation

Montague George Westmore (Monte) born in England. He was a makeup artist. First he worked in lumberyard mill, then dishwasher, a valet and finally a makeup artist at Rudolph Valentino. There Monte defined Valentino look and perfected the style, whish the world came to recognized. When Valentino, Monte became a freelance artist.

Third generation

Marvin George Westmore born in USA, in 1934. He is known for his work on Escape from L.A (1996), Blade runner (1982), Breaking away (1979) etc.


Films and actors who portayed Elizabeth

Since the advent of cinematography there have been a number of films made on the life of the Virgin Queen. The story of the unwanted girl who grew up to be one of the world's best loved monarchs continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of every new generation. Her life was one of triumph and success, and yet behind the glory there was loneliness and loss. The Queen's complicated, glittering, yet always inspiring, life, provides a wealth of material from which writers and actors can draw, and the enigma that was Elizabeth means that no two portrayals of her are ever the same.

The first screen portrayal of the Tudor Queen was made by the legendary Victorian actress Sarah Bernhardt in the silent film of 1912 known as either The Loves of Queen Elizabeth or Queen Elizabeth.
This film tells the story of Queen Elizabeth's relationship with Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. It was originally a French production known as Elisabeth, Reine d'Angleterre, and was the most successful film of Bernhardt's career.

Florence Eldridge played Queen Elizabeth opposite Katherine Hepburn's Mary, Queen of Scots, in Mary of Scotland (1936).
As the film looks favourably on Mary, the character of Elizabeth suffers substantially, and is more of a caricature than a convincing portrayal of the Queen.

Flora Robson starred as Queen Elizabeth in two films: Fire Over England(1937) and The Sea Hawk (1940).
Fire Over England has an impressive cast. Laurence Olivier plays the film's hero, Michael Ingolby, who is sent on a voyage to Spain, and Vivien Leigh plays a maid of honour. The story is fictitious but entertaining.
The Sea Hawk is also a fictitious tale. It tells the story of a gallant adventurer, Captain Geoffrey Thorpe, who goes on a mission to destroy Spanish resources at Panama in the hope of delaying the Armada. It was adapted from the book by Rafael Sabatini. An entertaining swashbuckler that has a strong cast including Errol Flynn and Claude Reins. The film won 3 Oscar Nominations.

Bette Davis also played the Tudor Queen twice. Her first portrayal was in the filmThe Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939). Errol Flynn once again played the courtier, this time Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, whose love for the Queen is not enough to stop him seeking power. A convincing portrayal of Elizabeth from this great actress, and the real life tension between Flynn and Davis added chemistry to their onscreen performance.
Davis's second portrayal was in the film The Virgin Queen (1955). This tells the story of Sir Walter Raleigh, played by Richard Rodd. A young Joan Collins stars as Raleigh's wife, Bess Throckmorton.

Jean Simmons starred as a teenage Elizabeth in the 1953 film Young Bess. This film was adapted from the novel of the same name by Margaret Irwin. Simmons's husband, Stewart Granger, played the impetuous Thomas Seymour, Lord High Admiral, and Deborah Kerr played Catherine Parr. It is an unashamedly romantic interpretation of the controversial relationship between Elizabeth and Seymour.

Irene Worth played Queen Elizabeth in Seven Seas to Calais (1962). Set in the Armada years, it tells the story of Sir Francis Drake (played by Richard Todd) who not only succeeds in conquering the seas, but in winning the heart of the Virgin Queen herself.

Judith Anderson played the Queen in a 1968 American series called Elizabeth The Queen. Again, the Queen's tumultuous relationship witb the Earl of Essex was the focus. Charlton Heston played the doomed Earl.

Glenda Jackson perhaps proves herself the greatest of the screen queens in the wonderful BBC series Elizabeth R (1971). This six part series chronicles Elizabeth's life from the reign of her brother, Edward VI, until her death in 1603, and remains the best ever dramatistion of the Queen's life. Not only does Jackson give a powerful portrayal of the Queen, but the scripts are well written and historically accurate. No other series, to date, has recreated the Elizabethan world as faithfully. There are also strong performances from Robert Hardy, as The Earl of Leicester, and Ronald Hines as William Cecil.
When the series was first broadcast, the scripts were published in a single volume, edited by J. C. Trewin, Plays of the year special, Elizabeth R. The book is now out of print, but copies are sometimes available from used books shops.
Jackson repeated her performance as Elizabeth in the 1971 film Mary, Queen of Scots. Vanessa Redgrave played Mary Stuart. This film isn't as historically accurate but is well acted and produced.
Elizabeth I tribute stamp sets signed by Glenda Jackson are available from Buckingham Covers.

Miranda Richardson starred as a ditsy Queen Elizabeth in the supurb 1980's comedy Blackadder.
Series Two is set in Elizabethan England and the main character is Lord Blackadder, played by Rowan Atkinson, who constantly strives to please the Queen against threats of execution. His arch rival is Lord Melchett, played by Stephen Fry.
As the series is a comedy, Elizabeth is very much a caricature. The Queen portrayed is nothing like the historical figure. However, it is a very entertaining series and Richardson plays the giddy Queen well.

Quentin Crisp played the Tudor Queen in the 1992 film Orlando. This film was based on the novel by Virginia Wolf and stars Tilda Swinton in the title role.
Commanded to stay young forever by the Queen, Orlando, a courtier, mysteriously manages to do just that. He lives on for hundreds of years and magically turns into a woman along the way.

Judi Dench excelled as Queen Elizabeth in the oscar winning comedyShakespeare in Love (1998). Set in the 1590's, this film follows the escapades of William Shakespeare, played by Joseph Fiennes, as he struggles to make a name for himself in the theatrical world. Gwyneth Paltrow starred as his muse, Viola, and Colin Firth played her husband to be, the dastardly Earl of Wessex.

Australian Cate Blanchett played Queen Elizabeth in the 1998 feature filmElizabeth. It told the story of Elizabeth's struggles before she became Queen and the difficulties she faced afterwards. The film is well produced and acted, but as with earlier dramatisations of the Queen's life, it lacks historical accuracy. It also starred Joseph Fiennes as Robert Dudley, Geoffrey Rush as Francis Walsingham, and Richard Attenborough as William Cecil.
In 2007 Cate Blanchett reprised her role in a sequel to this film called Elizabeth: The Golden Age. As the title suggests, it is set in the latter part of the Queen's reign and portrays her personal and political struggles in these difficult years. Again this film takes liberties with history, but is more convincing and compelling than the first.

Soprano Josephine Barstow starred as Queen Elizabeth in a BBC production of Benjamin Britten's opera Gloriana. This once again tells the story of Elizabeth's tragic last favourite, Robert Deverex, Earl of Essex.

There is another version of Gloriana (1984) starring Sarah Walker (pictured below).

Diane D'Aquila starred as Queen Elizabeth in a Canadian television dramatisation of Timothy Findley's play Elizabeth Rex (2004).

Anne Marie Duff starred as Elizabeth I in the highly acclaimed 2005 television drama Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen. This mini-series chronicled Elizabeth's life from the troubled years before her accession to her death, and is a far more faithful presentation of the Queen's life than many other productions. Duff is considered by some to be a serious rival to Glenda Jackson as the greatest screen queen.

Helen Mirren starred as Elizabeth, alongside Jeremy Irons as Robert Dudley, in the award-winning 2007 drama Elizabeth I. This mini-series portrays the Queen's personal life in the latter years of her reign, focussing on her relationship with Dudley and his step-son, the Earl of Essex. Mirren gives a strong and convincing performance.

Laoise Murray played a young Elizabeth in the fourth season of the historical saga The Tudors (2010).

Joely Richardson starred as Queen Elizabeth in the 2011 film Anonymous. While the portrayal of the Queen is very far fetched, the film is an interesting take on the Shakespearean Authorship Question.
Richardson's mother, Vanessa Redgrave, plays the older Queen.

Vanessa Redgrave, who starred as Mary, Queen of Scots in the 1971 film, plays an older Queen Elizabeth I in the 2011 film Anonymous. Her daughter, Joely Richardson (pictured opposite) plays the younger Queen.
